Break The Chains of Bondage


Some people may say that day 3 is by far the most difficult to get through in any fasting situation.  This post is to encourage anyone out there having a tough time today.

Prayer and fasting breaks the chains of spiritual bondage!

Prayer and fasting draws you closer to God!

Prayer and fasting lets light of Jesus Christ flood into the depths of your heart!

During a fast, the Holy Spirit will comfort you through all your suffering.

Keep fighting the good fight with this spiritual discipline.  Don’t give into the temptation!  If by chance you have broken your fast, get right back on that horse!  You can do this.  Lean on the strength of God because that’s really all we’ve got.  Without Him, we are nothing.

Several people have commented that already they are being attacked by the enemy.  This is good!  We have come together in a spiritual discipline, worshiping our God.  Worshiping our Savior.  Satan HATES it.  We are no longer complacent with the worldly dribble that erodes at the foundation of our Christian lives!  Satan loves complacency.  We are taking ourselves out of our comfort zone and emptying the garbage from our lives.  This makes so much more room for God in the tabernacle of our bodies, the holy of holies, our heart.

Have Faith In God

“The beginning of all temptations is inconstancy of heart and little trust in God; for as a ship without governance is stirred hither and thither with the waves so a man that is remiss and that holds not steadfastly his purpose is diversely tempted.”

Thomas A. Kempis  The Imitation of Christ