Evaluating Relationships


As we come close to the end of this 21 day fast, it would be a good time to evaluate our relationships.  Christianity is all about relationships.  Many people make the mistake of thinking that Christianity is only about our relationship to God.  This view of being a Christian is missing two main components.  So what relationships should we be focused on as a Christian?

We should be focused on our relationship with God.  Are we praying enough?  Do we do daily devotions?  Are we taking time to read Scripture each day?  Do we attend and take part in a worship community as a part of the body of Christ?  These are important and develop a deeper relationship with God.  What are you doing to draw nearer to God?

We should be focused on our relationship with the people around us.  This includes our family, friends, church family, co-workers and the people we come in contact with everyday.  This includes the cashier that rings you out every time you go to the grocery store.  Are you nice?  Do you say hi?  Does your family see you as the same person that your church family sees you as?  It is important that we love others just as commanded in Scripture.

We should be focused on ourselves.  Ourselves?  Isn’t that selfish?  If you do not have a good relationship with yourself, how can you have a good relationship with others.  It is important to know yourself.  Know your strengths and know what temptations make you weak.  Know when to volunteer yourself but also know when to say no.  Knowing yourself and setting personal boundaries will help you to be more fruitful in advancing God’s kingdom. 

As you think about these relationships, discover which ones need improvement and start working on it today!

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